Tune In Garden

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Pong Yang, Mae Rim, Chiang Mai
053879251 - 0871852951
18.868266894994235, 98.82172164105897

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สวนทูนอิน 'รงค์ วงษ์สวรรค์' (Tune in Garden) บ้านโป่งแยง อ.แม่ริม จ.เชียงใหม่ โทรสำรองที่นั่งล่วงหน้าเท่านั้น Restaurant by a famous Thai writer "Rong Wongsawan". Open: Reservation only. Rong Wongsawan (รงค์ วงษ์สวรรค์ in Thai) was one of Thailand's most influential literary and cultural figures over the pasthalf century. His works cut deep into different layers of reality of the Thai society both at the turn of the rapid development period and its aftermaths. With his unparalleled mastery over prose and his great wealth of plots and materials, he created novels, short stories, travel notes, and columns that have stood on a par with many of the best modern classics. He was awarded the status of a National Artist in Literature in 1995.  Rong, who had spent his final decades in Chiang Mai, passed away on March 15, 2009.



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Tune In Garden
Tune In Garden
Tune In Garden
Tune In Garden
Tune In Garden
Tune In Garden

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Anonymous Posted on January 03, 2014 at 09:51:46
Rong Wongsawan (’รงค์ วงษ์สวรรค์ in Thai) was one of Thailand's most influential literary and cultural figures over the past half century. His works cut deep into different layers of reality of the Thai society both at the turn of the rapid development period and its aftermaths. With his unparalleled mastery over prose and his great wealth of plots and materials, he created novels, short stories, travel notes, and columns that have stood on a par with many of the best modern classics. He was awarded the status of a National Artist in Literature in 1995. Rong, who had spent his final decades in Chiang Mai, passed away on March 15, 2009.

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