Tender Valley

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999 M.2 Chonprathan Rd, Mae Hia Subdistrict, Muang, Chiang Mai 50100
18.75310, 98.94215

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Meat includes beef, pork, and salmon. You can pick them up in the refrigerator. They put it in a vacuum pack along with the weight and price. Beef includes both Thai beef. Australian beef and Wagyu beef. Finished choosing meat Next to it is a card for side dishes such as vegetables, rice, and soup. When you're finished choosing, take it to the counter to pay. This shop also has craft beer. After paying, sit and wait at the table. They would bring the meat to serve and let us grill it ourselves.

Open daily 17:00–22:00


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Tender Valley

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Jade Posted on May 27, 2024 at 22:38:24
A shop for meat lovers and those who like to grill their own meat.

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