Ranking of best happy ending and body to body massage parlours in Chiang Mai

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Last edited: June 26, 2024 at 02:43:43

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Review of sex massage parlours in Chiang Mai

Certainly, how good your massage experience is depends a lot on the girl who does a job on you. If she doesn't feel like getting tired, chances are that you'll have a lame massage, while to the contrary, when she's pretty and there is a connection, sometimes you can have a surprising experience even though the place looks so so.

However, on average, shops recruit from the same pool of girls and so get about the percentage of pretty or less pretty girls, skillful or less skillful girls.

The most decisive factor in getting a good experience at a shop is management and training. An average girl can grow to become a great staff under the right guidance and management, while a super talent could fade away in a lousy shop that simply doesn't care.


Even different shops with the same owner can have very different business cultures amongst the staff and that is usually very hard to change, because girls with poor attitude will 'infect' each other and all become lazy and careless.

One important difference between businesses in Chiang Mai is about how well they cater to the needs of foreigners, or what is their main market.


With some 35-30 massage parlours in Chiang Mai specialized in giving you a happy ending or a body-to-body massage, there are differences in the way they operate and the biggest difference is in their way of management and what market they target at.

Thai-style parlours usually have poorer management, are less innovative, and care less about detail and service-mind. The reason why they can exist is because Thai customers also care less and just want to choose a pretty girl and have their way towards sex. Thai customers' concept of beauty is biased towards white skin and big boobs, Thai men don't like a massage where the girl touches the anus and don't mind a hairy vagina. Thai customers can be very demanding towards the girls, that's why massage girls who have a choice normally prefer foreigners.

When you visit Thai-style places, expect a laissez-faire (maipenrai) management style, expect the girl to be less-trained, be prepared that she will round up the time after "the job has been done" (handjob, sex), or just know that some girls are more into the special or sex instead of the massage. If the treatment was not satisfactory and you wish to complain, the receptionist will probably not understand what all the fuzz is about and chances are slim that your feedback will ever reaches management. Typically, the owner or manager isn't even in the shop and the receptionist has to do all.
So, just accept it as it is, and move on to other business more suitable to your appetite.

Better managed, often foreigner-oriented businesses have a more solid management, training and monitoring system. The level of organisation differs and the proof is in the pudding: you will notice from some details where it goes wrong.

With foreigner-oriented businesses I don't mean the obvious ones along Loikroh road or in the tourist areas, they are not included in this ranking. Typically, they are Thai-owned and managed businesses but the girls are just too used to foreigners, speak a decent amount of English and have their way of asking for a higher tip for a hanky panky.
The foreigner-oriented businesses in this ranking are the ones more outside the tourist areas which nevertheless have adapted to the needs of foreigners and changed their management style.

Even the atmosphere amongst the staff can become very different due to the focus on a certain type of customers. With the right guidance, the girls can really appreciate foreigners as compared to Thai, and make an effort to make you happy. They will understand better how you feel, what you want, how you want to be pleased.

Ranking of best erotic massage places in Chiang Mai
With the right training and management, sleeping talents can bloom and without it, they can fade


In general, the top of the happy ending massage parlours in Chiang Mai will provide you with a better massage experience than body-to-body massage parlours. This is mainly because the best among them understand the concept of sensuality better than others, and because of foreigners involved in management.

Ranking Massage parlour Pros and cons
★★★★★★ All about Touch Massage Started end of 2021 and already the best. Super location just at the edge of Nimman area. Beautiful building, well-designed private rooms. Nice selection of girls. Wonderful innovative menu. Good management with pro-active review system. Still very fair pricing, especially for the location.
★★★★★ Senz~ Diva Well managed, beautiful rooms, right in the middle of Nimmanhaemin. Nice selection of girls and well-trained. Interesting couples room for those interested.
★★★★★ Dream Massage Cute little shop. Good service attititude and some staff have good massage skills. The rooms are not so big and it's not luxury, but the pretty girls and sensual skills compensate for that.
★★★★ Daisuki by Lolita Still one of the better teen massage shops in town but it sometimes lacks some consistency in the girls' performance: some are really good, others can be lazy or mechanical. Nice selection of cute girls, although not all of them understand sensuality. Plenty of private rooms, despite refurbishment they are aging somewhat.
★★ Anime Kawaii Shop Good selection of girls, but no training whatsoever. Basic rooms and facilities. Go here just because you want to choose from a large selection of girls.
★★ Sarika Massage In theory a happy ending massage parlor, but with many girls providing full service it could just as well be place in the table below. Basically no skills or hardly any skills, but a regular fresh supply of girls.
★★ Aloha Massage Not so many girls, fairly ok facilities but this business has a way of cheating customers in all kinds of ways: posting fake pictures, false claims about packages in the menu, and so on. From its start until now, Aloha has always been a copy cat of the innovative market leader Daisuki by Lolita, but like many Chinese-run businesses, without in-depth understanding of the concepts so in the end the quality is just not there.


Ranking Massage parlour Pros and cons
★★★★ Home Alone Home Alone Outcall Massage does not have a shop (yet), but it provides nice outcall services to your room including body-to-body massage and more at reasonable prices by hot girls (ask for Group 3). It's possible that this business will open a nice new shop in 2023/24 but for now enjoy the full services in the comfort of your hotel room.
★★★★ Dolphin Spa This B2B focuses only on foreigners and has foreign management, which should guarantee a somewhat better treatment than average. Clear pricing incl. full service option.
★★★ Absolute Paradise Spa One of the longest established body-to-body massage parlours and still popular with foreigners. Girls are service-minded and know how to make you horny, although there is not that much real sensuality. Building is old but rooms are clean and private. Full service is still a bit expensive but hopefully there will be more girls who are into that at fair prices. Lack of management and slow response times in booking make the business less attractive, but hopefully that will improve in the future.
★★★ Darin Club A very Thai style place with lots of girls and very popular with Thai customers, this is a place you can consider for its down-to-earth approach, good selection of girls and fair prices.
★★★ Icha Icha Run partly by Japanese management, Icha Icha still has an advantage over the typical Thai style body-to-body massage parlours, because it can introduce new concepts. Unfortunately it hasn't grown to its full potential but it's still better than the average.
★★★ Be Rich Spa Quite a few girls. Average performance. The shop has a jacuzzi. The shop was in the news for employing under-age girls, so low business ethics.
★★★ Cavier Spa Offers rather cheap B2B packages with rather young girls. Management so so. Basic rooms.
★★★ Nightingale Club The best thing about this B2B are the rooms: nice and clean and new, most of them with private bathroom. The girls and their performance is average.
★★ Queen Club A bit low-so feeling but very cheap full service options: THB 1200 or so.
★★ The Best Relax Down-to-earth place with quite a few girls. You get a normal naked massage first and then the girl will offer options. Bit out of town, the place has a weird coffee shop too.
★★ Pink x Station Affiliated with Aurora. Pink has some reasonable offers for full service: 2,000-2,300 baht for 40min.
Harem Long established, average service.
Aurora No training of the girls
Mind Mint Spa Average performance, mainly focused on full service. Neither the girls nor the shop knows what is nuru gel, so they really got no clue what they are doing.
Mermaid Sleezy business with low business ethics. Average B2B performance of girls. Full service options at 2,000-2,500
Ruean Chotika Poor management and lazy atmosphere, the girls are only in for full service. No sensuality at all.

As you can see, most body-to-body massage parlours don't perform so well as compared to the happy ending massage parlours. This is because they don't really understand the concept of sensuality and mostly operate according to a rather outdated business model. In most places, the girls are generally lazy and rush to a quick wank after a very short rub with their body, or simply aim to spread their legs which is easier than to perform a real service. So there is actually not much left of the so-called body-to-body massage, but if full service (sex) without courtesy and a game of temptation is your thing then that's a reason to go.

If you like a massage with sensual body contact - as body-to-body massage is supposed to be, you should consider trying the Sukebe Pole Dancing® package of All about Touch or Daisuki or the Paradise package of Dream Massage and Senz~ Diva. These shops do a much better job than the average body-to-body massage parlor and create more natural and exciting body-to-body massage moments.

There are plenty other B2Bs that I didn't test, such as Mossa Hue, Phoenix, Loverspa, Vida Spa and so, but most likely they are just average and don't stand out from the rest.
Do leave a comment or share your experience below if you think it will help others.



In a way, body-to-body massage parlours conquered ground from soapy massage parlours in the past 1-2 decades or so. Soapy massage parlours are in fact the most direct way of selling sex-on-demand in a shop like manner: you walk into the building, have a look what meat you like in the fishbowl, pay at the counter and take the girl to a room inside the premises. The standard formula inside the room is always the same: girl takes off clothes, you both have a bath, she washes you with strong Lux soap, cleans your penis, only sometimes gives you a little blowjob in the bath, then dries you up and you both lay down on the bed. She spreads her legs and you do your thing. Off you go to your next errand.

The word soapy refers to the bath, but in a perhaps distant past there were airbeds and the girl would perform some more erotic exercise on you, sliding up and down your body with her pussy approaching your face like a train nearing destination. The airbeds have long been abandoned. In Chiang Mai, only Icha Icha still uses airbeds, and the place has foreign management, but even there the treatment is not so convincing.

Soapy massage parlours in Chiang Mai used to be big, with perhaps 50-100 girls in one place, but when you walk in now, all you see is past glory.

So the body-to-body massage parlours kind of took over part of the market. They are smaller, with some 5-10 girls in each place, and spread out all over town. From an effiiciency point of view, that's not good for you, because if you don't like any of those 5-10 girls in one parlor, you'd have to take your vehicle and drive to another.

It's very easy to start a body-to-body massage parlour because unlike the soapy massage parlours, none of them need a license (they just pay off law enforcement authorities), but it's harder to stay alive and beat the competition. In Chiang Mai, there are some 15-20 body-to-body massage parlours but every few months or so, a new one rises and another one dies away.

The concept of the body-to-body massage parlours was perhaps a big newer than the archaic soapies, but it quickly has become mechanical and programmed due to poor training.

To me, going to a B2B is not very interesting anymore. The girls line up in queue, you pick one, go up to the room and suddenly she's all naked in front of you. There is no tension there. Now if she knows how to make you turned on, the fun can start in the bathroom (like in Absolute), but I've been to places where they even tell you to shower and she'll shower later separately. The body-to-body massage rub is only a few minutes, then most girls get tired of it and quickly start to wank you. Before they wank, they'll ask if you want full service. The whole party is over within 30 min with 2 showers even if you paid for the full hour or an hour and something. If you're lucky, she'll massage your shoulders a bit after she made you ejaculate, that's just to fill up the hour so she won't be told off by her boss, but in many cases she'll just tell you time is up.
When you walk out, you rarely feel really good. Yes, you emptied your sperm bladder but inside you don't feel satisfied. Your skin feels really dry because of all the Lux soap that the girl used to wash out every good bacteria on the surface of your body. And when you come home you hastily get rid of that bottle with water with the name of the B2B on it, lest your girlfriend will ask you 'what is nuru massage'? The whole concept hasn't been well thought through, but it caters the Thai market that is generally more superficial and just wants to put their dick inside.

Now I've tried probably half of all the B2Bs in town and in the end they're all the same. Obviously, there are differences between girls, but the main differences will occur due to better training and management.

TIP: If you like an intimate massage (as a body-to-body massage is supposed to be), try a Lingam Plus or Paradise massage in Dream or Senz~ Diva or a Lingam Deluxe or Sukebe® Pole Dancing massage in Daisuki or All about Touch massage. All these packages generally provide much more satisfying body-to-body contact moments.


Most body-to-body massage parlours operate in the same way and won't give you an experience of real sensuality. You may feel more aroused and satisfied in a more holistic way in the best happy ending massage parlours in town. This is because at least you get a decent massage treatment there, the focus is not just on wanking or ejaculation, the girl really focuses, and there is a nice blend of massage and sensuality with a connection to the girl. This will give you a much better after-feeling than pumping it out in a mechanical body-to-body treatment.

But sometimes as a man, you need to put your Willy in the right hole (not just in a hand), and then body-to-body massage parlours cater for a need. The differences between most of the B2Bs in town are minimal. A game changer are the Lingam massages, the Sukebe® Pole Dance massages and the Paradise Massages in the better teen massage shops in town.

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What do you think about this article?

Zain butt Posted on January 10, 2024 at 23:26:07
Wow amazing so nice so beautiful just looking lika a wow wow wow wow wow
PseudoClub Posted on November 14, 2023 at 16:50:49
Well, all that talk of chivalry and taoism and a foreigner female-owned NGO really turned me off this website. Good thing I hadn't got around to paying for a subscription. I won't support your gentrification of Thailand. Also, the karsai massage I had at Daisuki per the recommendations here gave me lasting testicle pain. I think that is a sham treatment.
Michel Posted on August 09, 2023 at 03:58:23
Good and bad experiences ....
The good one: DREAM Massage. Excellent massage and attitude of girl named Akira. Can only recommend
The bad one: ISHA ISHA. 6 girls to choose from, only one smiling. Picked her expecting good service, but it was total crap. She has no clue about Nuru though she claims that she works there for a long time. It was so bad that I stopped her after 30 minutes and just left. I do not remember her name exactly, but something like Ada.
Marco Posted on March 20, 2023 at 12:34:42
There is a lot of old information here. please update your information
All about Touch Posted on February 03, 2023 at 07:44:43
@Acadoe: Dear Sir, thank you very much for your feedback. Your massage was with Wawa (no. 4). She is not only pretty, very sexy and charming, but she also provides great massages. We are happy to learn that in your case this led to such a profound experience.
Every of our masseuses is different, but we train all of them and they develop their own style.
We hope to see you soon again!
Acadoe Posted on February 02, 2023 at 13:01:29
Oh man, I'm so glad I decided to go ahead with your suggestion. I just had the gogonutz at all about touch, and I have to say, it seems insulting to consider it a handjob after a massage. The massage was good, nothing mind blowing, but what she did at the end literally blew me away. It was the closest I have felt to a psychedelic trip without psychedelics. I don't know what she did, but I did indeed lose myself a bit towards the end it was that intense. I imagine this is what women feel when they have multiple orgasms. If anyone is interested, do not hesitate, I guarantee you've never had this kinda orgasm before. The place itself was calm and professional throughout as well. 100% recommend.
john Posted on December 13, 2022 at 07:34:50
Where can I get ladyboy massage in Chiang Mai?
Anyone have a massage with hot ladyboy and what spa where?
cmXlocator Posted on December 11, 2022 at 06:13:46
@Kla: As the text clearly indicates, in most body-to-body massage parlors, the actual body-to-body massage part is very limited and often done in a rather robotic manner. The girls typically want to wank you off quickly or move on to sex and be done with it.
So if you are interested in body-to-body massage, the better teen massage shops in town will probably provide you with a better experience in certain packages, such as Paradise Massage, Sukebe® Pole Dancing Massage or Lingam Plus / Lingam Deluxe massage.
The fact that they don't use the word B2B doesn't mean that there is no body-to-body contact.
Kla Posted on December 10, 2022 at 08:41:37
I wonder what is meant by "INTERESTINGLY, THE BEST BODY-TO-BODY MASSAGE EXPERIENCE IN CHIANG MAI CANNOT BE FOUND IN A BODY-TO-BODY MASSAGE PARLOUR BUT IN A HAPPY ENDING MASSAGE PARLOUR" because nowhere in any of the Happy Ending Places does it indicate they do B2B. If they CAN be found in HEMPs, please do tell where. Looking forward to it. Thank you.

Stefan Posted on August 08, 2022 at 08:56:51
I moved back to CM a few days ago. The prices in CM for a simple HJ for 900 Baht are crazy. I had a regular Lanna girl in Pattaya and paid for showering together and 1 hour of fun 1,000 Baht for ending with a BJ or 1,300 with sex. Nice rooms and really take care. No rat house for sure. Even in the gents clubs like Kinnaree, The Den, Passion, Malibu, etc. you pay 1,000 - 1500 Baht for one hour plus 300 - 400 Baht for the room.
cmxlocator Posted on July 13, 2022 at 05:06:51
@Stefan: If cheap sex is your main purpose of staying in Thailand, you better stay where you are now, in the sleeziest place of Thailand where it's readily available on the streets. By the way, you're paying too much, you can get it in Pattaya for much cheaper than that.
In Chiang Mai you can also do your thing at THB 600 for half an hour plus 150 for the love hotel (so that's about the same price as your THB 1300 per hour in Pattaya), a Tuc Tuc driver called it the house of the rat, others call it the Burmese brothels. Or you can have a more classy girl in a more luxury environment and throw in a few thousand baht, or maintain a girl for 50k a month. It's all there.
Overall, Pattaya probably has more on offer at an average lower price, but Chiang Mai has other charms to offer.
Stefan Posted on July 12, 2022 at 21:55:09
I will move from Pattaya to Chiang Mai soon and I am shocked about the prices. No problem to get here a 1 hour full service massage for 1300 Baht.
Squeaky Posted on May 27, 2022 at 06:15:30
Ahhh yes that was what it was, the video and I think from that you had mentioned willow. Thanks. I believe cando bar also is in that same empowering formula. Appreciate you taking the time to answer.
cmXlocator Posted on May 26, 2022 at 04:32:16
@squeeky: You're probably referring to Daisuki Massage by Lolita and its video
This is a women-led business.
It would go too far to compare it with a charity style organization, in the end the shop needs to be commercially viable and the girls tend to fall prey to the same pattern as they usually do: sending money back home to support their parents, sending back money to either their parents or their ex bf (and his new gf) to take care of their kid(s), trying to make a living themselves and so on. That said, the girls working here are generally happy, work completely voluntarily and all make a decent living, which surely cannot be said of the entirety of the massage and sex industry in Thailand.
If you would want to contribute to a charity helping women who just got out of an unpleasant sex work situation, you could think of The Whispering Willow in Chiang Mai, by the way. This is a shelter for women who were in an abuse situation, working involuntarily or under harsh conditions.
But this is an interesting topic to elaborate a bit on, thank you for bringing it up.

The women in the Whispering Willow cannot be compared to the girls in Daisuki, they are in a completely different situation.
The women in the Whispering Willow are victims who are trying to find their way from exploitation and victimhood back to independence and dignity. The girls in Daisuki are not victims, they are independent already and fully empowered. Because they (generally) don't cross the line of prostitution (having sex for money) and don't have to do anything by force, they keep their dignity. The girls like their job, some go away but come back and invite their sisters to come over and work too. Even receptionists turn into masseuses because they like their job and their bf agrees!
Outsiders often look down on girls working in massage shops, but in fact the girls in Daisuki (and in its peers Dream, Diva and All about Touch by the way), are amongst the most self-empowered I have met. These shops all support their staff, if they want to study to get a real massage certificate, the shops will finance or co-finance them. Because of the review and monitoring system of these shops, the girls start to learn to become their own entrepreneurs: if they get good reviews, they get more customers in the future.
The hard-working ones amongst them earn more than an average digital nomad in Chiang Mai and the smart ones invest in property or seeds so that their parents back in the mountains can sow them and harvest to improve their living standards.
So if you want to help women, you can make merit (ทำบุญ) by donating to a charity but at the same time there is nothing wrong with being a customer of Daisuki or its peers: you enjoy a service and at the same time you empower a woman. In fact, she is more powerful than you because if you bother her she will refuse you next time (girls in these shops are not forced to accept a customer if she doesn't like him).
She embodies Shakti, the divine female energy, and you embody Shiva, together you engage in the divine game of attraction but I'd say she's more in control than you. (There is even some Taoist practice that allows a woman to gain in strength and beauty every time a male ejaculates in front of her, but let's not go into that here).
To stay closer to Western imagery: she is the beauty and you are the knight worshipping her with your chivalry.
Of course there is the difference that you would embellish your Facebook profile by publicly announcing that you've just donated to a charity, while you wouldn't tell just everybody that you're a regular customer of a happy ending massage shop, but I believe that you're doing a good thing in both cases and one could argue that the latter is more enabling than the former.
squeeky Posted on May 26, 2022 at 03:40:32
Oh that part I understand, this was a specific shop where the girls got off the street and made a little more to get them back on track, the place was just north of the moat and i want to say near level 9 roof top but I can't seem to find it anymore.
cmXlocator Posted on May 25, 2022 at 17:01:59
@Squeeky: That is a good question. Well, the largest cut goes to the girl if you book a sideline directly without an agent in between. Even the fee for the hotel, you pay.
If you go to massage places, body-to-body massage parlors give a large cut to the girls, because the shop merely act as agent and the girl does all the work, including full service.
Happy ending massage places give a lower cut because generally there is no full service included.
The well-managed places need to give a decent cut to the owners to make it worthwhile to manage.
So in the end, there is "no free lunch", everybody needs their share to do their work.
Squeeky Posted on May 25, 2022 at 12:11:27
A few years ago you had mentioned a place north of the moat where girls got more of a cut of what they earned, I can’t remember name but am interested to find out if it is still around.
Mike H Posted on April 12, 2022 at 16:01:08
Pink X in Chiang Mai offers B2B with BBBJ on the menu for 1700 baht. and FULL SERVICE for 2500 baht.
cmXlocator Posted on March 26, 2022 at 04:28:01
@Mike: That’s a very good question.
In Chiang Mai there aren’t any B2Bs that put BBBJ on the menu.
There are several B2Bs that offer ’spray’ as part of the menu. ’Spray’ is blowjob but generally with condom.
It simply depends on the girl is she’s willing to do it and normally she will decide on that during the shower with you when she sees your cock. If it’s a beautiful cock with a clean pinkish head, she may do it, if it’s a dark smelly cock she won’t (it is often the perception of Thai girls that lighter skin is more beautiful).
So you can be lucky anywhere but it’s not a forbidden question to ask at the counter, as the receptionist will often know which girl does it and which one doesn’t.
A few places to consider where BBBJ happen are Absolute Paradise Spa and Icha Icha. But even in the teen massage / happy ending massage parlors it happens for a tip and sometimes it's easier to ask during a scrub treatment because then the girl will clean your device and after that she may feel it's clean enough to do it. So if you want to try in the happy ending massage parlors, you better choose a package that includes the scrub.
Mike Posted on March 25, 2022 at 20:03:58
I'm still interested in B2B if that type of service isn't offered at the teen parlors anymore. Where is the best place to go in 2022 for a B2B with BBBJ on menu?
Lyon Posted on March 05, 2022 at 08:03:55
Thank you for sharing, bloggers have the same views on B2B as I do. I am very satisfied with visiting some small massage parlors in Chiang Mai. However, Chiang Mai is too deserted now.